Bradley House
The Bradley House was once the home of Dr. and Mrs. W.A. Bradley. Dr. Bradley had his office downstairs, and the family lived in the other parts of the house.
Doctor's Office
The Doctor's Office includes photos and items from several Newton County doctors including Dr. Bradley, Dr. Hudson, Dr. Salmon, and others. Examples of exhibits include:
Patient bed
Dentist chair
Old microscope
Remington manual typewriter
Variety of technological items such as video cameras, still cameras​​, and a battery radio

Highlights of Dr. Bradley (house) and the Chaney family (log cabin)
A highlight of the entry is is a collection of telephones including a switchboard gifted by Irma Raney Gregory.

Turn of the century kitchen items in the kitchen include:
Wood cookstove
Several sad irons
Hand operated washing machine

School Room
This room is dedicated to the small businesses, schools, churches, and lodges. Some items found include:​
Top of teachers desk from Compton School
Student desks

Local Businesses

Small businesses play an important element in Newton County. ​
Lurton post office boxes
Kirkwood Short Account System for the C.E. Wade Groceries and Notions at the Bald Hill Mine in Cave Creek in 1917
Candy showcase from Vaughan's Esso Station

Upstairs Hall
Exhibits include:
Louis Gregorie collection hand drawn using the Pointillism technique
Collection of photos
Community quilt prepared after a house fire

Research Room
A variety of information can be found in our research room consisting of past items such as newsletters from our county and other neighboring counties, books, photographs, newspapers, school records, county records, and church records. We also have a large number of books in our downstairs office.

Natural-Early History Room
Outdoor and pre territorial history can be found here with items such as:
Fossils found on Cave Creek
Collection of arrowheads
Stuffed bear, a young eagle, and a red-tailed hawk

Front Room
Some of the front room exhibits include:
Tools used to turn cotton into cloth such as a cotton picking sack, cotton still in the boll, carding brushes, spinning wheels, and a loom
Treadle sewing machine
Rope bed
Clothing from the early 1900s
Gun and holster used by Frank James (alias Joe Vaughn)
Grinding stones

Veterans Room
Our newest room is dedicated to the veterans of the county.
Section of the plane that crashed on Round Top Mountain
WWII military trunk with contents
Photos of locals who died in the service of their country
Biographies of county veterans are being collected

Feel free to visit us in the office. We have several books, newsletters, and postcards for sale. We also have several research items that might be useful.